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Quake Champions Gameplay

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The presentation was full of blazingly fast action, juicy gibs and explosive rocket jumps, and it closed out with the world premiere of the first Quake Champions gameplay trailer. Willits gave those in attendance a quick look at the four Champions introduced in the announce trailer at E3 – franchise classics Ranger and Visor, and newcomers. Like Quake Live before it, Quake Champions lets you play for free against players from around in the world in a wide selection of game modes rooted in fast gameplay, rocket jumps, and railgun snipes. However, you spawn with Quake's trifecta of iconic weapons – the Rocket Launcher, the Railgun and the Lightning Gun! New Map – Longest Yard. What the best way to enjoy new gameplay modes? Why, with a new place to play them! Longest Yard joins the Quake Champions rotation of maps with the September Update.

Unholy Paladin
Champion Data
Active Ability
Unholy Totem
Passive Ability
  1. The fast, skill-based arena-style competition that turned the original Quake games into multiplayer legends is making a triumphant return with Quake Champions.
  2. Quake Champions will launch as a free-to-play game, but with the option to pay upfront. Click the image to learn more. Having not played a Quake game in quite some time, it was with mild.

Idatabase 6 14. Galena is a champion appearing in Quake Champions. Galena was added during Closed Beta on April 6, 2017.[1]

  • 3Abilities
  • 4Lore

Summary[edit | edit source]

Galena is a healer and a warrior, skilled in both giving and taking life. Cheap alternative word. Raised in the Dreamlands, where she faces off against Champions from across the waking world in twisted Arenas, Galena is a force to be reckoned with.[2]

Bio[edit | edit source]

She was 4 years old when given as an offering to the Celebrants of Volkerh. The talon-priests weaned her on ash-milk and consulted the Gaunt Shepherd to learn her fate. She would live as we do, it whispered, and in doing so would shape herself by the gloaming will of He Who Walks In Blood.

Like all children, she watched and imitated. She learned that crying and laughing were no different, so she stopped. She learned that blood is judgement and penance is sacrament.

She has grown powerful and grateful. She does not dream of her mother's world.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Unholy Totem[edit | edit source]

In the heat of combat, throw down Galena's Unholy Totem to heal both yourself and your allies, or cause devastating damage to your foes. Deadly in Deathmatch, and a critical tool in team games to help control pathways and power-ups, the Unholy Totem is a vital weapon in Galena's wicked arsenal.[3]

Galena places a totem that heals her allies and damages her enemies. The totem will vanish if an enemy triggers or destroys it. When it heals an ally it will become inactive, but will reactivate when another totem is placed. Disk toast application.

  • Cooldown: 45 seconds
  • Totem Radius: 3 meters/120 units
  • Totem Health: 25 HP
  • Normal Totem Heal/Damage: 50 HP / 40 Damage
  • Enforced (Upgraded) Totem Heal/Damage: 75 HP / 60 Damage


  • If three totems are active at one time, all totems will become Enforced Totems and deal the upgraded totem heal/damage amount.
  • Totems have around a 1 second delay after being deployed before becoming active. They can be destroyed during this time.
  • Totems are actually thrown to a target location and not just placed at Galena's feet.
  • Totems are only inactive for the ally that is healed by the totem. Any other ally that hasn't been healed can still use it.
  • Inactive totems will still explode and deal damage to enemies.

Channeling[edit | edit source]

Galena can reduce the cooldown of her ability by collecting any health pickup.

Cooldown Amount Reduced (Health Pickup): 5% Cooldown Amount Reduced (Mega Health): 20%

Want to get that Unholy Totem back even faster? Galena's passive ability, Channeling, allows her to eliminate 5% of her active ability cooldown timer every time she picks up a health bubble.[4]

Lore[edit | edit source]

At just 4 years old, Galena was given to the Celebrants of Volkerh, talon-priests who shaped her into a powerful weapon. From then on, she lived in the Dreamlands. By watching and imitating her elders, Galena learned from a young age that blood is judgment and penance is sacrifice.

Now she has grown strong, and no soul in the Arena is safe from her wrath.[5] Capture one pro 12 12 0 0b4.

Concept[edit | edit source]

Given as an offering to the elder god Volkerh, Galena discarded all emotion and memories of her birth-world, becoming the unholy paladin of He Who Walks in Blood.[6] Sent to fend for herself in dark realms by Those Who Attend, Galena survived by unlocking her powers of black magic.[7]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

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This year's E3 gaming conference began with one of the industry's current heavy hitters, Bethesda, announcing two new games in a blatant 'more smoke than fire' kind of way. Deep down, we knew why Quake Champions and the Prey reboot got such content-thin reveals back in June: because Bethesda had to save something for its giant, weekend-long QuakeCon festival.

That event kicked off in Grapevine, Texas, on Thursday with gameplay reveals for both games, though Quake Champions' 75-second video was more revealing. The upcoming Quake-branded online shooter from id Software was shown in what looks like a fully functional pre-alpha state. Champions' combat was shown from an apparent first-person, mid-combat perspective, along with a few floating-camera shots of at least three arenas that look like modern upgrades of the castle, sewer, and factory settings from its forebear, 1999's Quake III Arena.

The verticality is strong in this one, as the QC sequence's combatants take advantage of booster-jump pads and their own rocket jumps to bounce around large, well-decorated arenas. While some details—particularly a giant, chained eyeball—are rendered well and smothered in cool lighting effects, other parts of the reveal look less polished than id's other recent, major shooter, the Doom reboot from earlier this year. This seems intentional, as id has advertised support for 120 Hz monitors for the sake of twitchy, high-speed gameplay—and QC's reveal looks mighty fast, packed to the brim with running, bunny-hopping, and precise railgun kills. (Clearly, the squad working on QC wants to evoke your fondest Q3A memories, what with a combatant who looks a lot like the hoverboard-riding character Anarki from the game of old!)


We'll have to wait until '2017' (no month or season yet announced) to test QC's speed-to-quality ratio once its first open beta launches. Pokemon tcg apk latest update.

Meanwhile, Prey's 'gameplay' reveal appears to contain all in-engine footage of the upcoming first-person shooter. The reveal uses cinematic editing and apparent cut-scene camera framing to look a little bit sweetened compared to how the game will play when it actually launches (which Bethesda says will happen 'in 2017'). Unlike the Blade Runner-esque, futuristic bounty-hunting action of the canceled Prey 2, this take on Prey looks to hinge on slower gunplay, mysterious monsters, and psychological horror, should this debut trailer be telling the truth about what to expect.

Honestly, having seen a lengthy, behind-closed-doors sequence of pre-alpha Prey 2 gameplay, complete with a harrowing, leap-filled chase between giant, neon-tinged buildings, I'm surprised to see such a drastic turn in how this newer version will play. Then again, the Prey 2 version I saw may have been a smoke-and-mirrors trick to prop up a game that otherwise stunk. Them's the breaks with canceled video games, I suppose.

Both revealed games will have dedicated panels at this year's QuakeCon, which may include more gameplay reveal footage or at least more specific details. We'll keep our eyes and ears wide open for more information as QuakeCon frags along.

Quake Champions Pro Gameplay

Listing image by id Software

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